This site is best viewed with a 800 X 600 screen resolution.
"News and Updates Menu"--------------------------Posted On: 12/2/03 Wow. It took a little while but the new updates (this) section has been revamped! Like the little scrollbar? That little scrollbar took a freakin' hour to program, but it had to be done. Another thing checked off on the Wild Duck Patrol site checklist. Now I've gotta start uploading the myriads of pictures that are sitting on my hard drive. Just in case you were wondering, yes, I am aware that the links on the left are dead and very ugly. I'm workin on it :). ***UPDATE*** 6:00PM: After searching the web, I've discovered a way to make the site compatible with screen resolutions other than 800 x 600 but it will take a VERY long time and there are many things ahead of it in the to-do list. Just thought I'd let you all know. "WE HAVE LIFTOFF!!!"---------------------------------Posted On: 12/1/03 Yay! After a long fight with the HTML and CSS gods, the new site is finally here!!! Still a few finishing touches need to be made, but I expect to be done by the New Year. The menu bar on the side and this information window are both very temporary and will be upgraded when I find the time (and the patience) to re-script it all. Quite sorry about the incompatibility with 640 X 480 screen resolutions...the way I have the pages set up throws everything out of line. The best solution is to just use the most popular, 800 X 600. If it's too much of an issue and I start receiving nasty emails, I'll probably work my way around it. More will be added, rest assured. I've been begged to put it up early so I'm aiming to please.